Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Club is Back...

If you missed tonight, you missed out.  But not to worry, we've got you covered!

At high school club last night, we started our study on the book of John.  Phil did a great job laying the ground work for our study of this book. Here are the key points you want to remember and maybe go back and re-read for yourself!

Every book has a purpose, right? Well the purpose of John can be found in John 20:30-31. It reads...

"Therefore many other signs Jesus also performed in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book, but these have been written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in His name."

So basically the purpose of the book is to show people who Jesus and how we can have life in Him! The book will continually point to Jesus as the Messiah and the Son of God. Great stuff right?

Now that we have the purpose of the book, we can start to study it. Because John is a lengthly book, we cannot go through each individual verse this semester, but we will talk about important highlights that lead us back to the purpose!

Here is a breakdown of John 1:1-18:

vs 1-5: Here we see that Jesus is described as the Word.  These verses show us that He was fully God and fully man. Crazy thought, that we cant even wrap our minds around.  But then that points to how big our God is!

vs 6-8: In these verses, we are introduced to John the Baptist.  John paved the way for Jesus but was just a man!

vs 9-13: These verses are awesome.  We believe that God created the world.  We also believe that Jesus was fully God while He was here on earth.  Therefore, Jesus came down to the world that He created.  But the world did not receiver Him.  We see throughout the gospels that Jesus is rejected by men and His chosen people, the Israelites.  BUT to those people who did receive Him, "to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name," (John 1:12).

vs 14-18: These verses tell us again that Jesus became a man.  A man with flesh, bones and blood. But dont forget, He was also fully God! So because of this, we beheld His glory and have the opportunity to receive His truth and the grace that He shared with us.

Here are some questions that you can chew on as you continue to study John on your own this week!

1. What do verses 1-5 reveal to us about the deity of Jesus Christ?

2. Who has the right to be called children of God according to verses 12 and 13? What comfort does this bring you?

3. What is one truth that you learned about Jesus through these 18 verses that you had not known before?

Next week we will be covering John 2! Hope to see you there!


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