Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Water into Wine?

This week at high school club, we covered John 2:1-11.  In this passage, we find the story where Jesus turned water into wine.  It is well known as Jesus' first miracle but as we discussed on Monday, it was much more than that.  If you remember back to last Monday, we talked about how the purpose of John could be found in John 20:30-31...

"Therefore many other signs Jesus also performed in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; but these have been written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in His name."

So the purpose of the book is so that people would see Jesus as the Son of God and believe in Him! In His first miracle, we see this and much more! Here are some highlights from the message...

Jesus, the mother of Jesus (Mary) and His disciples were at a wedding.  During the festivities, they ran out of wine.  This was no bueno in that time period! To run out of wine would be the social no-no of the newly weds lives.  Mary brings it to Jesus' attention what is going on but He doesnt fix the problem immediately. Instead, Mary tells the servants there to do whatever Jesus tells them to. We learn a couple things from Mary in this passage...

-She presents her request to Jesus.  She knows who He and what He is capable of and therefore, presents her need to him.
-When Jesus doesnt respond the way she most likely intended Him, she simply tells the servants to do as Jesus says.  This shows great trust and respect for her Savior.

Jesus was not being mean and ignoring the need of these people, rather He was waiting for just the right time.  He was God in the flesh and just as God knows best, Jesus did as well.

Starting in John 2:6, Jesus commands the servants to fill waterpots with water.  They do so and the water is later turned into wine.  The wedding is saved, but more importantly, the glory of God is manifested.  We see this in John 2:11...

"This the beginning of HIs signs Jesus did in Cana of Galilee, and manifested His glory, and His disciples believed in Him."

So we see in Jesus' first miracle the purpose of this book fulfilled.  He came so that we might believe! Through turning the water into wine not only manifest His glory but it lead people to believe in Him.

1. How often do you fail to present your need(s) to Jesus?
2. If He answers in a way that you dont want/expect, how do you respond? Do you respond as Mary did?
3. Do you live your life in such a way that would lead people to believe in Jesus? What would need to change to make that a reality in your life?

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