Friday, February 25, 2011

"Do as I did to you..."

Many times throughout the Gospels, Jesus gives us examples of how we are supposed to live.  The example given in John 13:1-15 is an incredible one.  In this passage, Jesus washes the disciples feet. Couple things we learned about this act...

1. Feet washing was a task performed by the lowest ranking servant in the household

2. This task was not a glamourous one by any means.  In this day and time roads were made of dirt and people walked sandals. This made for some pretty nappy feet.

3. It was custom for people to have their feet washed upon entering a household or before eating a meal.

So...for Jesus the Lord and Teacher of these men was definitely not the person the disciples expected to wash their feet.  In fact, Peter, tells Jesus no.  But Jesus was teaching them something.  He was giving them an example that they should do as He did. After washing their feet, Jesus gives them this command...

"Do you know what I have done for you? You call Me Teacher and Lord and you are right, for so I am. If I then, the Lord and Teacher, washed your feet, you ought to wash one another's feet. For I gave you an example that you should also do as I did for you." John 13:12-15

So Jesus gave us an example. A great example of how we are to serve others.  The question is are we? Later in this chapter, Jesus says "by this all men will know that you are My disciples if you love another." So the challenge is two fold...

1. Are we serving one another as Jesus served His disciples?

2. Do people know that we are followers of Jesus by the way we treat others?

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