Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Good Shepherd....

This week at club we looked at John 10:1-21. In this passage Jesus is teaching to a group of people and refers to Himself as the Good Shepherd and His followers are His sheep.  This example shows how Jesus cares for us and how we are to follow Him. Here are a couple main points...

- The sheep knew the voice of their shepherd and followed Him where He lead. In the same way, we should know the voice of our Lord and follow Him (v1-7)

-  Thieves may try to steal the sheep or hurt them.  The shepherd protects them. The "thief" in this passage is also a metaphor for Satan.  He desires to "steal, kill and destroy" those who believe in Christ. (v10)

- A good shepherd is willing to put his life in danger for his sheep.  In the same way, Christ tells us that He lays down His life for His sheep, His people. (v11-18)

There are the basics! But here are a couple more questions to chew on this week! We encourage you to go back and read through this passage and see what the Lord has to teach you!

1. We read in John 20:31 the purpose of the Gospel of John. In what ways does John reveal the divinity of Jesus in the text of John 10:1-21?

2. What are some of the characteristics that Jesus possesses as the Good Shepherd?

3. Why do you think the word of Jesus caused division amongst the crowd? Which side of the crowd would you be on?

Have a great week!

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