Friday, February 18, 2011


This week at middle school club, we looked at James 2:8-13.  These verses are packed with some hard stuff that is super convicting.  James addresses the idea of favoritism.  In James 2:8 he says that if you're loving your neighbor as yourself, then great job! BUT if you show favoritism towards certain people then you are sinning.

So lets think about do we show favoritism?
- towards family or friends over people we dont know
- towards people that are like us...the way we dress, where/how we live, believe what we believe, etc.
- towards popular or cool people

We talked about how a lot of times we write off certain sins like favoritism as "not a big deal." But we saw in James 2:10, "that whoever keeps the whole law but stumbles in ONE point, he has become guilty of ALL." So just one sin makes you guilty of breaking God's law.  It doesnt matter if its lying or murder, in the eyes of the Lord a sin is a sin.

SO...we are called to "speak and act as those who are judged by the law of liberty," (v12). So love your neighbor as yourself, show mercy to others and remember that we are indeed sinners saved by grace!

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