Friday, February 25, 2011

Faith + Works

"What's the use of saying you have faith if you dont prove it by your actions?" James 2:14

James has a point. If you apply that principal to other things it makes sense, right? For example...the example we used at club was Bobby....

Bobby is a 110lb freshman boy who wants to bench 200 lbs. Now if Bobby says he's going to go work out and thinks about working a lot but never goes and actually picks up a weight, will he get stronger? Absolutely not! Its absurd to think that if by talking and thinking about working out Bobby will get stronger.

So why do we a believer talk about our faith but not put any of it into action? James say that is not a saving faith.  That our faith should be proven or back up by the way we live!

Now...this does NOT mean that we are saved by our works or that we can earn our salvation. Not in the least bit.  Paul tells us in Ephesians 2:8-9 that we are saved by grace and that is not a result of our own works. James is challenging us in the passage to back up that faith with what we do and say!

So this week, take a look at your life.  Are you being a "doer of the word" or just a hearer? Or are you like Bobby, simply thinking about what you're supposed to do but failing to do it?

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